Customizing the display of referenced entities

LinkAhead WebUI supports the customized display of referenced entities using the ext_references module. The BUILD_MODULE_EXT_RESOLVE_REFERENCES build variable has to be set to ENABLED (see /getting_started) in order to use this module.

You may then define your own JavaScript module to define how references to specific Records should be resolved. The module has to be located at a directory which is known to LinkAhead WebUI; we recommend linkahead-webui/src/ext/js. Set the value of the BUILD_EXT_REFERENCES_CUSTOM_RESOLVER build variable to the name of this module. The module has to have a resolve function which takes an entity id as its only parameter and returns a reference_info object with the resolved custom reference as a text property. So the basic structure of the module should look like

var my_reference_resolver = new function () {
    // Has to be called ``resolve`` and has to take exactly one
    // string parameter: the id of the referenced entity.
    this.resolve = async function (id) {
         * find the string that the reference should be resolved to,
         * e.g., from the value of the entity's properties.
        return {"text": new_reference_text}

An example is located in linkahead-webui/src/core/js/reference_resolver/linkahead_default_person.js. It resolves any reference to a Person Record to the value of its firstname and lastname properties separated by a space and is active by default.