Creating forms for the LinkAhead Web Interface
The form_elements
module provides a library for generating forms from simple config objects. The forms are styled for the seamless integration into the LinkAhead web interface and are especially useful for calling server side scripts.
See also the API documentation
Generating a generic form
The following code snippet adds a form to the body of the HTML document.
function my_special_submit_handler (form) {
// handle form submision
const config = {
name: "my_form",
fields: [
{ type: "reference_drop_down", name: "experiment_id", label: "Experiment", query: "FIND Experiment", required: true },
{ type: "integer", name: "number", label: "A Number", required: true },
{ type: "date", name: "date", label: "A Date", required: false },
{ type: "text", name: "comment", label: "A Comment", required: false },
submit: my_special_submit_handler
const form = form_elements.make_form(config);
The form has four fields:
A drop-down menu which contains all Records of type “Experiment” as options,
an integer field, labeled “A Number”,
a date field, labeled “A Date”, and
a text field, labeled “A Comment”.
The first two fields are required and the form cannot be submitted without it. The latter are optional.
On submission, the function my_special_submit_handler
is being called with the form element as only parameter.
As the generated form is a plain HTML form, the javascript form API can be used. However, there are special methods in the form_elements
module e.g. get_fields which are especially designed to interact with the forms generated by the make_form
Calling a server-side script
If you intend to call a server-side script, the config has to be changed a litte bit:
name the script which is to be called in the script
const config = {
script: "",
fields: [
{ type: "integer", name: "number", label: "A Number", required: true }
On submission, the form data will be send as a json file to the script and passed as the first parameter. The call would look like ./ form.json
and the file would contain, for example,
"number": "400"
Please refer to the server side scripting documentation to learn how to use form data and uploaded files within a server side script.
API Documentation
For more and advanced options for the form see the API documentation