
The Paging flag splits the retrieval of a (possibly huge) number entities into pages.


      flag   = name, [":", value];
      name   = "P";
      value  = [ index ], ["L", length]];
      index  =  ? any positive integer ?;
      length =  ? any positive integer ?;


The index (starting with zero) denotes the index of the first entity to be retrieved. The length is the number of entities on that page. If length is omitted, the default number of entities is returned (as configured by a server constant called …). If only the name is given the paging behaves as if the index has been zero.


http://localhost:10080/Entities/all?flags=P:24L50 returns 50 entities starting with the 25th entity which would be retrieved without paging.

http://localhost:10080/Entities/all?flags=P:24 returns the default number of entities starting with the 25th entity which would be retrieved without paging.

http://localhost:10080/Entities/all?flags=P:L50 returns 50 entities starting with the first entity which would be retrieved without paging.

http://localhost:10080/Entities/all?flags=P returns the default number of entities starting with the first entity which would be retrieved without paging.