
General information about the LinkAheadServer.


Timm Fitschen



namespace linkahead
namespace info


using ProtoVersionInfo = caosdb::info::v1::VersionInfo
class VersionInfo
#include <info.h>

A read-only version object which represents the version of the server.

A read-only version object which represents the version of the server.

The version info follows semantic versioning (SemVer 2.0). Wrapper class for the VersionInfo protobuf.

Public Functions

inline explicit VersionInfo(ProtoVersionInfo *info)

Wrapp a Protobuf VersionInfo object.

Don’t instantiate this version info class. The constructor is only public for simpler testing. Create a LinkAheadConnection and use LinkAheadConnection::GetVersionInfo() instead to get the version of the server behind the given connection.

inline auto GetMajor() const -> int32_t
inline auto GetMinor() const -> int32_t
inline auto GetPatch() const -> int32_t
inline auto GetPreRelease() const -> const std::string&
inline auto GetBuild() const -> const std::string&

Private Members

std::unique_ptr<ProtoVersionInfo> info

This object is the owner of the Protobuf VersionInfo message.