How to use and develop liblinkahead


  • See the dependencies file, install with pip install -r requirements.txt.


Building with make and Conan

Make sure that the dependencies (see above) are fulfilled. On systems which have make installed, type this in your command line terminal:

make conan

Manual build with Conan

We use cmake as build tool, with Conan as package manager. The compiler must support the C++17 standard.

  1. clone/update the subrepo git submodule update --init proto

  2. conan install . -s build_type=Release --build=missing

  3. cd build/Release

  4. cmake -S ../.. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=generators/conan_toolchain.cmake  -DCMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0091=NEW -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

  5. cmake --build .

You may also want to install liblinkahead system-wide to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib by

  1. cmake --install .

The default install prefix is ~/.local. It can be set by adding -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/prefix to the first cmake command (4.).


The C++ LinkAhead library links against other libraries which are installed by Conan. So if you want to switch to newer versions of those libraries (possible reasons may be security releases or bug fixes), it is not sufficient to update your system libraries, but you have to update your Conan content and then rebuild liblinkahead.

If you want to build or install liblinkahead without the use of Conan, feel free to rewrite the CMakeLists.txt as needed. The LinkAhead project is open to merge requests which support multiple ways of installation.

Optional: Building with vcpkg

Next to Conan, you also have the option to use the vcpkg package manager to install the dependencies (vcpkg.json). Note, however, vcpkg is not fully supported and tested. It’s included as a submodule in the project. To install the dependencies, run the following commands:

./vcpkg/bootstrap-vcpkg.<sh/bat> -disableMetrics
vcpkg/vcpkg install

Copy the grpc-cpp-plugin to the build directory (TODO: This should ideally be done automatically by CMake):

mkdir -p build/build_tools
cp vcpkg_installed/<os>/tools/grpc/grpc_cpp_plugin build/build_tools

Then compile the project with CMake by including the vcpkg toolchain file:

cd build
cmake -S .. -B . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-linux -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .

Alternatively, on Linux, you can use the provided Makefile targets

make vcpkg-build-release

How to build on MacOS

… is currently untested.

Problems and solutions

  • Make sure that your Conan version supports your XCode version. A typical symptom of version mismatch is for example conan complaining about incompatible compiler.version settings. You may need to rerun any conan and cmake commands (and delete cache files first) after compiler updates.

How to build on Windows

We use Visual Studio 2022 as compiler. We use cmake as build tool, which can be installed together with Visual Studio.

  1. Install Python and create a virtual environment with the dependencies in requirements.txt.

  2. In a PowerShell, activate the environment and run the following commands from the repository root:

3. conan profile detect --force (and check the output) 3. make.ps1 conan-install 4. make.ps1 build

You’ll find the shared libraries and cli clients in .\build\Release\. To run the tests, use make.ps1 test. As a shortcut to run all steps, use make.ps1 all.


ERROR: The default build profile ‘~/.conan2/profiles/default’ doesn’t exist

Follow the instructions and run

conan profile detect

Check the output and adjust settings if necessary.


Just do what it says. Either run

conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 default

or change ~/.conan/profiles/default or use another conan profile.

/bin/sh: line 1: cmake: command not found

Install cmake.

conan install fails due to missing prebuilts

When conan install fails during the installation of the dependencies because a precompiled package is not available for your specific settings, try adding the --build=missing option: conan install .. [ other options ] --build=missing. This should download and compile the sources of the dependencies.

cmake fails when using the debug flag

Depending on the clang version it might be necessary to additionally use the following flag: -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wno-unused-parameter"

conan uses outdated cppstd during install

If you experience compiler errors during a conan install process due to, e.g., std::string_view being unavailable, try specifying the cpp standard manually by conan install .. [other options] -s "compiler.cppstd=17".

Client Configuration

You can use a json file for the configuration of the client. See test/test_data/test_linkahead_client.json for an example. You may use linkahead-client-configuration-schema.json to validate your schema. Typically, you will need to provide the path to your SSL certificate.

The client will load the configuration file from the first existing file in the following locations (precedence from highest to lowest):

  1. A file specified by the environment variable $LINKAHEAD_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION.

  2. $PWD/linkahead_client.json

  3. $PWD/linkahead-client.json

  4. $PWD/.linkahead_client.json

  5. $PWD/.linkahead-client.json

  6. $HOME/linkahead_client.json

  7. $HOME/linkahead-client.json

  8. $HOME/.linkahead_client.json

  9. $HOME/.linkahead-client.json

  10. A file specified by the environment variable $CAOSDB_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION.

  11. $PWD/caosdb_client.json

  12. $PWD/caosdb-client.json

  13. $PWD/.caosdb_client.json

  14. $PWD/.caosdb-client.json

  15. $HOME/caosdb_client.json

  16. $HOME/caosdb-client.json

  17. $HOME/.caosdb_client.json

  18. $HOME/.caosdb-client.json


Unit tests


For the tests the build type has to be Debug. As a shorthand you can run make test. If you want to build manually, follow these steps:

  1. conan install . -s build_type=Debug --build=missing

  2. cd build/Debug

  3. cmake -S ../.. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=generators/conan_toolchain.cmake  -DCMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0091=NEW -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
    • If your clang-format version is too old, formatting, linting etc. can be skipped: cmake -B . -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -D SKIP_LINTING=ON ..

    • Depending on the clang version it may be necessary to also add -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wno-unused-parameter"

  1. ``cmake –build . ``
    • If this fails with Error running '': No such file or directory, you may want to try CMake’s -D SKIP_LINTING=ON. (See previous step.)


In the build directory, run ctest. For more verbose output of a single test: ctest -R test_value.test_list -V


We use GoogleTest for unit testing.

Test coverage

We use gcov and lcov for generating test coverage reports.

In the build directory, generate the coverage report by running cmake --build . --target unit_test_coverage.

Note that this special target will run the tests again. Thus it is not necessary to run ctest prior to this target.

The coverage report can be viewed in a browser by opening <build_directory>/unit_test_coverage/index.html.

Code formatting

  • install clang-format on your system.

  • clang-format -i --verbose $(find test/ src/ include/ -type f -iname "*.cpp" -o -iname "*.h" -o -iname "*")

Naming conventions

Please adhere to Google’s C++ naming conventions.


To build the documentation, run in the build directory

  • cmake --build . --target doc-doxygen (generate Doxygen)

  • cmake --build . --target doc-sphinx (generate Sphinx)