Module: ext_bottom_line
Add a special section to each entity one the current page where a thumbnail, a video preview or any other kind of summary for the entity is shown.
Apart from some defaults, the content for the bottom line has to be configured in the file conf/ext/json/ext_bottom_line.json which must contain a {@link BottomLineConfig}. An example is located at conf/core/json/ext_bottom_line.json.
Function: is_bottom_in_viewport
Helper function analogous to ext_references isOutOfViewport
Check whether the bottom of an entity is within the viewport. Returns true when this is the case and false otherwise.
- is_bottom_in_viewport()
Function: is_applicable
- is_applicable()
Function: is_applicable
- is_applicable()
Function: is_applicable
- is_applicable()
Function: is_applicable
- is_applicable()
Function: create
- create()
Function: is_applicable
- is_applicable()
Function: create
- create()
Member: ext_bottom_line
Member: id
Member: create
Member: id
Member: create
Member: id
Member: create
Member: id
Member: id
Member: err
Member: width
Member: padding
Member: width
Member: padding
Member: scroll_timeout
Member: scroll_timeout
Member: fallback_preview
Member: id
Member: is_applicable
Member: create
Member: previewShownEvent
Member: previewReadyEvent
Member: init
Member: init_watcher
Member: configure
Member: add_preview_container
Member: root_preview_handler
Member: _creators
Member: _css_class_preview_container
Member: _css_class_preview_container_resolvable
Member: BottomLineError
Member: BottomLineWarning
Member: plotly_preview
: Helper for plotly
Member: margin
Member: height
Member: widht
Member: responsive
Member: create_plot
Member: init