# Build and install the Web Interface Here, we document how to install and build the LinkAhead Web Interface. If you are only interested in how to use it, please continue [here](tutorials/index). ## Folder Structure * The `src` folder contains all source code for the web interface. * The `libs` folder contains all necessary third-party libraries as zip files. * The `test` folder contains the unittests for the web interface. * The `ext` folder contains extension for the web interface. The make file will copy all javascript files from `ext/js/` into the public folder and links the javascript in the `public/xsl/main.xsl`. * The `misc` folder contains a simple http server which is used for running the unit tests. * The `build.properties.d/` folder contains configuration files for the build. ## Build Configuration The default configuration is defined in `build.properties.d/00_default.properties`. This file defines default variables which can be used in source files and will be replaced with the defined values during the build. All files in that directory will be sourced during `make install` and `make test`. Thus any customized configuration can also be added to that folder by just placing files in there which override the default values from `00_default.properties`. See `build.properties.d/00_default.properties` for more information. ## Setup * Run `make install` to compile/copy the web interface to a newly created `public` folder. * Also, `make install` will copy the scripts from `src/server_side_scripting/` to `sss_bin/`. If you want to make the server-side scripts callable for the server as server-side scripts you need to include the `sss_bin/` directory into the server property `SERVER_SIDE_SCRIPTING_BIN_DIRS`. ## Test * See [DEPENDENCIES](DEPENDENCIES#for-unit-testing) for the requirements to run the unit tests. * Run `make test` to compile/copy the web interface and the tests to a newly created `public` folder. * Run `make run-test-server` to start a python http server. * The test suite can be started with `firefox http://localhost:8000/`. * *On WSL (as of Feb 2024, WSL v2.0.14.0)*, port 8000 is sometimes not properly forwarded to the host resulting in an unreachable test suite. Switching to a different port can be done easily by using the `TEST_PORT` environment variable, e.g. with `TEST_PORT=8111 make run-test-server`. Using the X11 `firefox` from within WSL always works. * To run the test suite non-interactively (as in CI/CD) use `make -d run-qunit` ## Clean * Run `make clean` to clean up everything. ## Build the documentation # Build documentation in `build/` with `make doc`. ### Requirements ## - sphinx - sphinx-autoapi - jsdoc (`npm install jsdoc`) - jsdoc-sphinx (`npm install jsdoc-sphinx`) - sphinx-js - recommonmark