Permissions =========== CaosDB has a fine grained role-based permission system. Each interaction with the server is governed by the current role(s) of the user, by default this is the ``anonymous`` role. The permissions for an action which involves one or more objects are set either manually or via default permissions which can be configured. Permissions are needed to perform particular elementary *actions* during any interaction with the the server. E.g. retrieving an Entity requires the requesting user to have the ``RETRIEVE:ENTITY`` permission for that entity, and ``DELETE:ENTITY`` to delete the entity. The permissions of every user are calculated from a set of *Permission Rules*. These rules have several sources. Some are global defaults, some are defined by administrators or the owners of an entity. .. note:: As a side note on the implementation: The server uses `Apache Shiro `__ for its permission system. What is a Permission Rule? -------------------------- A Permission Rule consists of: - A type: Permission Rules can be of ``Grant`` or ``Deny`` type, either granting or denying specific permissions. - A :doc:`role ` (or user): For which users the permission shall be granted or denied. - A permission action: Which action shall be permitted or forbidden, for example all retrieval, or modifications of a specific entity. - An optional priority: May be ``true`` or ``false``. Permissions with priority = ``true`` override those without, see the calculation rules below. There are two complementing types of permission rules that will be explained below: role permissions and entity permissions. .. _role-permissions: Role permissions *********************** As the name suggests, role permissions are assigned to a specific role and define whether, in general, a particular role is allowed, e.g., to perform specific transactions, update roles or users, or execute server-side scripts. See the :ref:`role-permissions table` for a full list of role permissions. The most common are - ``TRANSACTiON:*``: Allows to perform any write transaction (in general). Note that this is the necessary but not sufficient condition for deleting/inserting/updating an entity and the corresponding :ref:`entity permissions` are required, too. - ``SCRIPTING:EXECUTE:?PATH?``: Permission to execute a server-side script under the given path. Note that, for utilizing the wild cards feature, you have to use ``':'`` as path separator. E.g. ``'SCRIPTING:EXECUTE:my_scripts:*'`` would be the permission to execute all executables below the ``my_scripts`` directory. .. _entity-permissions: Entity permissions ****************** As the name suggests, entity permissions define what a certain user or role is allowed to do with a specific entity. Thus, entity permissions can be used to, e.g., deny everone but administration users to update or delete a specific record types, or to allow everyone to retrieve a specific record. See the :ref:`entity-permissions table` for a full list of possible entity permissions. Typical permissions are: - ``RETRIEVE:ENTITY``: To retrieve the full entity (name, description, data type, …) with all parents and properties (unless prohibited by another rule on the property level). - ``RETRIEVE:ACL``: To retrieve the full and final ACL of this entity. - ``RETRIEVE:ENTITY:1234``: To retrieve the entity ``1234``. - ``RETRIEVE:*:1234``: For all “retrieve” actions concerning the entity ``1234``. .. _Calculation: Permission calculation ---------------------- For each action a user tries to perform, the server tests, in the following order, which rules apply: 1. *Grant* rules, without priority. 2. *Deny* rules, without priority. 3. *Grant* rules, with priority. 4. *Deny* rules, with priority. If at the end the user’s permission is *granted*, the action may take place. Otherwise (the result is *denied* or the permission still undefined), the action can not take place. In other words, if you have not been given the permission explicitly at some point, you don’t have it. Administration permissions ************************** There is one special permission rule that grants global administration permissions to a user or a role: ``Grant(*)P``, i.e., grant everything with priority. This promotes a user with this role to administration level, very similar to the ``root`` user on POSIX systems. As with any other rule, the effect of this rule can be overriden by *Deny* rules with priority. The ``Grant(*)P`` permission should really only be used for administration users and in no other case. .. warning:: ``Grant(*)P`` is a powerful administration permission rule. Be cautious when assigning administration privileges to users and roles. How to set permissions ---------------------- There are multiple ways to set role and entity permissions. The most common and best tested way currently is to set global default *entity* permissions in the ``global_entity_permissions.xml`` config file, and role-based *role* permissions with the ```` `utility script `__ of CaosDB's Python library which is also used to `manage users and roles `__. Below you find a more detailed description of the possible ways of setting permissions. - **Config file:** Some default permissions are typically set in the ``global_entity_permissions.xml`` file, see also the `default file `__. Here, you can set the default permissions that every entity on the server has. The global default permissions can **only** be set in this file; all other ways below can only change the permissions of individual entities. Note that you can add more rules in the ``global_entity_permissions.xml``, but you can not remove rules by writing to this file. Thus, it might not be possible to overrule permissions defined here (see :ref:`Permission calculation`). Note also that, as the name suggests, only :ref:`entity permissions` can be set this way. The role-based :ref:`role-permissions` have to be set with one of the other ways explained below. - **API:** Both REST and GRPC API allow to set the permissions. This hasn't been documented properly yet, but for the GRPC API, `the specification `__ may give some insight. - **The Python library:** The permissions can also conveniently be set via the Python library. Currently the best documentation is inside various files which use the permission API: - The `example file `__ - The ```` `utility script `__ - There is a comprehensive `example `_ in PyCaosDB's gode gallery. - The `integration tests `__ also cover quite a bit of the permission API. - **WebUI:** This is currently work in progress. A WebUI ACM module which uses the GRPC interface is under `active development `__.