Server Configuration ==================== Main Configuration File ----------------------- The server is configured through configuration files. The main file is the `server.conf`. The `server.conf` is a list of key-value pairs. A configuration file may contain empty lines, comment lines, and key-value lines. Comment lines begin with a hash (`#`). Key-value lines must have the format `KEY_NAME=VALUE` or `KEY_NAME = VALUE`. The server default configuration is located at `./conf/core/server.conf`. Upstream defaults are stored here. The possible configuration options are documented inside the `default file `__. User specific configuration should be in `./conf/ext/` and override settings in `./conf/core/`. The default configuration can be overriden by 1. the file ./conf/ext/server.conf 2. any file in ./conf/ext/server.conf.d/ in (approximately?) alphabetical order 3. environment variables with the prefix `CAOSDB_CONFIG_` in this order. Further Configuration Files --------------------------- Further settings are to be set in files which are by default stored in `./conf/core/`: ``global_entity_permissions.xml`` :doc:`Permissions<../permissions>` which are automatically set, based on user roles. See the `default file `__. ``usersources.ini`` This file defines possible sources which are checked when a user tries to authenticate. Each defined source has a special section, the possible options are defined separately for each user source. At the moment the best place to look for this specific documentation is at the API documentation of :java:type:`UserSource` and its implementing classes. The provided `template file `__ also has some information. The general concept about authentication realms is described in :java:type:`UserSources`. ``authtoken.yaml`` Configuration for dispensed authentication tokens, which can be used to authenticate to CaosDB without the need of a user/password combination. One-time Authentication Tokens can be configure to be issued for special purposes (e.g. a call of a server-side script or initial setup after the server start) or to be written to a file on a regular basis. An example of a configuration is located at `./conf/core/authtoken.example.yaml`. There is more documentation inside the `template file `__. ``cache.ccf`` Configuration for the Java Caching System (JCS) which can be used by the server. More documentation is `upstream `_ and inside `the file `_. ````, ```` Configuration for logging, following the standard described by the `log4j library `_. The ``default`` file is always loaded, in debug mode the ``debug`` file iss added as well. The administrator may set the corresponding options in the main configuration file (`./conf/core/server.conf` and it's friends) to replace these special files with custom configuration. Changing the configuration at runtime ------------------------------------- Remark: Only when the server is in debug mode, the general configuration can be changed at runtime. In the debug case, the server provides the ``_server_properties`` resource which allows the ``GET`` and ``POST`` methods to access the server's properties. The Python client library conveniently wraps this in the :any:`caosdb-pylib:caosdb.common.administration` module.