.. java:import:: java.util Iterator .. java:import:: org.caosdb.server.database.exceptions TransactionException .. java:import:: org.caosdb.server.database.proto SparseEntity RetrieveAllUncheckedFilesImpl ============================= .. java:package:: org.caosdb.server.database.backend.interfaces :noindex: .. java:type:: public interface RetrieveAllUncheckedFilesImpl extends BackendTransactionImpl Retrieve an iterator which iterates over all File entities which need to be consistency-checked. :author: Timm Fitschen (t.fitschen@indiscale.com) Methods ------- execute ^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public Iterator execute(long ts, String directory) throws TransactionException :outertype: RetrieveAllUncheckedFilesImpl Return an iterator over all (non-directory) file entities which have not been consistency-checked since the (unix) timestamp `ts` and which are located below the directory `directory`. :param ts: :param directory: :throws TransactionException: