Basic Analysis
If you have not yet, configure a connection with the demo instance. E.g.:
>>> import linkahead as db
>>> _ = db.configure_connection(
... url="",
... password_method="plain",
... username="admin",
... password="caosdb")
A basic Analysis of data in LinkAhead could start like:
>>> analyses = db.execute_query("FIND RECORD Analysis with quality_factor")
>>> qfs = [el.get_property("quality_factor").value for el in analyses]
This first retrieves all analysis records that have a quality_factor
then creates a Python list that contains the values. You could create a
histogram of those for example by (warning this is a very boring histogram):
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.xlabel("quality factors")
Often we are interested in table like data for our processing. And the disentangling of the property values as above is a bit annoying. Thus there is a convenience function for that.
>>> from caosadvancedtools.table_converter import to_table
>>> # Let us retrieve the data in a table like form using `SELECT`
>>> data = db.execute_query("SELECT quality_factor FROM Analysis with quality_factor" )
>>> table = to_table(data)
>>> print(table)
0 ...
Now you know, how you can collect query results in lists or tables that can then be used for further processing.