Managing data from numerical simulations

This code example

  1. sets up the data model

  2. runs simulations

  3. stores the simulation parameters and results into LinkAhead

  4. retrieves the parameters for interesting results.

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Run a simulation and store the values into LinkAhead.

>>> main()              # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
These distances resulted in small x,y, values:

import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate
import linkahead as db
from caosadvancedtools.table_converter import to_table

def setup_linkahead():
    """Create the data model and insert it into LinkAhead

    The data model consists of the following RecordTypes:

      with author and revision.

      A specific run of the sofware, with input parameters, time of completion and a result.

      An aggregate of x,y,z values.

      In this case the x,y,z initial values before the integration, so this is just a state.

      The x,y,z values at the end of the software run, the final state.

    The data model of course also contains the corresponding properties for these RecordTypes.

    cont = db.Container()  # Container to insert all Entities at once into LinkAhead
    # create Properties
    cont.append(db.Property("x", datatype=db.DOUBLE))
    cont.append(db.Property("y", datatype=db.DOUBLE))
    cont.append(db.Property("z", datatype=db.DOUBLE))
    cont.append(db.Property("completed", datatype=db.DATETIME))
    cont.append(db.Property("author", datatype=db.TEXT))
    cont.append(db.Property("revision", datatype=db.TEXT))
    # create RecordTypes
    cont.append(db.RecordType("State").add_property("x", importance=db.OBLIGATORY)
    cont.append(db.RecordType("Parameters").add_parent("State", inheritance=db.ALL))
    cont.append(db.RecordType("Result").add_parent("State", inheritance=db.RECOMMENDED))
    cont.insert()  # actually insert the Entities

def simulations(n, t_max):
    """Run the simulations.

    n : int
      The number of runs.

    t_max : float
      The maximum time of integration.

    software = (db.Record("simulator").add_parent("Software")
                .add_property("author", value="IndiScale GmbH")
                .add_property("revision", value="1234CDEF89AB"))
    for i in range(n):
        # Get the parameters and result
        initial, result = run_simulation(run=i, t_max=t_max)

        # Prepare LinkAhead insertion
        run = db.Record().add_parent("SoftwareRun").add_property("Software",
        parameters = (db.Record().add_parent("Parameters").add_property("x", initial[0])
                      .add_property("y", initial[1]).add_property("z", initial[2]))
        result_record = (db.Record().add_parent("Result").add_property("x", result[0])
                         .add_property("y", result[1]).add_property("z", result[2]))
        run.add_property("Parameters", value=parameters).add_property("Result", value=result_record)
        cont = db.Container()
        cont.extend([run, parameters, result_record])
        cont.insert()           # Insert everything of this run into LinkAhead.

def run_simulation(run, t_max):
    """Integrate the Rössler attractor from random initial values."""
    a, b, c = (0.1, 0.1, 14)

    def diff(t, x):
        diff = np.array([-x[1] - x[2],
                         x[0] + a * x[1],
                         b + x[2] * (x[0] - c)])
        return diff

    x0 = np.random.uniform(-100, 100, 3)

    result = scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(diff, [0, t_max], x0)
    x = result.y[:, -1]
    return (x0, x)

def analyze():
    """Find the initial conditions which produce the smalles x,y values after the given time."""
    distance = 5
    data = db.execute_query("""SELECT Parameters, Result FROM RECORD SoftwareRun WITH
        (((Result.x < {dist}) AND (Result.x > -{dist}))
        AND (Result.y < {dist})) AND Result.y > -{dist}""".format(dist=distance))
    dataframe = to_table(data)  # Convert into a Pandas DataFrame

    parameters = db.Container().extend([db.Record(id=id) for id in dataframe.Parameters]).retrieve()

    initial_distances = [np.linalg.norm([p.get_property(dim).value for dim in ["x", "y", "z"]])
                         for p in parameters]

    print("These distances resulted in small x,y, values:\n{}".format(initial_distances))

def main():
    # 1. Set up the data model

    # 2. Run simulations
    simulations(n=200, t_max=5)

    # 3. Find initial conditions with interesting results

if __name__ == '__main__':