This document describes the SQL tables used by CaosDB and how they represent the internal data structure.



All entities (RecordTypes, Records, Properties, …) have an entry here. The columns are:

  • id :: The (unique) ID of this entity.

  • name :: Name of the entity.

  • description :: A description of the entity.

  • role :: The role of the entity (e.g. data type, RecordType, Property, Record, …).

  • acl :: Access control ID.


Inheritance as in “A is a B” is stored in this table. The columns:

  • child :: The child entity.

  • parent :: The parent entity.

  • type :: The inheritance type (either INHERITANCE or SUBTYPING (what’s “subtyping”?)).

TODO Why is this table empty on the default example?


Here, information about nested inheritance is cached (upon creation?).

  • child :: The child entity.

  • parent :: The parent entity.

  • rpath :: Possible intermediate steps on a path from child to parent. See the Inheritance section for more details.


Property data is stored here, in tables named after the data type:

  • date_data

  • datetime_data

  • double_data

  • integer_data

  • text_data

  • enum_data

  • name_data

  • null_data

  • reference_data

These tables share (generally) the same set of columns:

  • domain_id :: The domain of an item, see the multipurpose subdomains section. For “normal” data, this is 0.

  • entity_id :: The entity to which this property belongs. In most cases, this is a “normal” entity like a Record or RecordType.

  • property_id :: In most cases, the property to which the value belongs.

  • value :: The value of the property.

  • status :: The importance of the property (?).

  • pidx :: The property index, becomes nonzero when a property occurs more than once in an entity.


This table is used to name RecordTypoes, Records, Properties etc. The column property_id has the value 20, because that is the entity ID for names:

> SELECT * FROM entities WHERE id=20;
| id | description       | role     | acl  |
| 20 | Name of an entity | PROPERTY |    0 |


The type of properties is stored here. The columns are:

  • domain_id :: Property identitification, same as for plain data?

  • entity_id :: Property identitification, same as for plain data?

  • property_id :: Property identitification, same as for plain data?

  • datatype :: The data type of the property, a reference to an entity.


  • file_id :: ID.

  • path :: (Relative) path to the file.

  • size :: Size in bytes.

  • hash :: Hash of the file contents, as binary. TODO Which algorithm?

  • checked_timestamp :: Timestamp when last checked?


+——————-+———+ | _key | _value | +——————-+———+ | ENTITY_VERSIONING | ENABLED | +——————-+———+

A key-value store for features. Use the is_feature_config procedure to check for the status of specific features.

Versioning tables

There are a few extra tables for implementing versioning. Also there is a special column value_iversion in the reference_data table which stores the version of the referenced entity at the time of the version. If value_iversion is NULL, no specific version is stored.

The _iversion is an incremental version counter, starting implicitly at 1. Previous versions of entities are stored, along with their _iversion, in the archive_* tables.


Replacement for transaction_log, holds ID, user and time of transaction:

  • srid :: Server request ID, used to identify transactions

  • username :: User name

  • realm :: Realm for which the user name is valid

  • seconds :: Time of transaction: seconds

  • nanos :: Time of transaction: sub-second time resolution


Versioning info for entities:

  • entity_id :: persistent ID of the entity

  • hash :: Hash, for future use.

  • version :: External version string, may be globally unique. Should be used by API calls.

  • _iversion :: Version ID for this entity for internal use, typically an incremental counter, starting with 1

  • _ipparent :: Primary parent ID (internal) for this version, i.e. predecessor

  • srid :: Server request / transaction ID which created this version


Older (i.e. not current) data, from previous versions of an entity which were stored in footable.

  • domain_id :: Same as in footable.

  • entity_id :: Same as in footable.

  • property_id :: Same as in footable.

  • value :: The value at the given version.

  • status :: The value at the given version.

  • pidx :: Same as in footable.

  • _iversion :: Version index of this version.

  • … :: Data type specific columns may also be there.


  • entity_acl

  • groups

  • logging

  • desc_overrides

  • name_overrides

  • passwd

  • passwords

  • permissions

  • query_template_def :: User-defined query templates?

  • roles :: possible user roles

  • stats :: benchmarking?

  • transaction_log :: benchmarking?

  • units_lin_con :: fraction and unit conversion?

  • user_info :: Metadata for (local?) user accounts

  • user_roles :: User permissions?

Inheritance caching

The isa_cache table does not only store direct inheritances, but also nested parentships. This is done by adding intermediate inheritance steps in the rpath column:

  • For direct inheritance, the rpath column contains the child itself.

  • For all other possible paths between the child and parent, it contains the entities between, separated by the > character.


Consider this inheritance structure and the resulting table:

   0    Read this from top to bottom: "1 is a 0",
  / \   "2 is a 0", and so on.
 1   2
  \ /

|——-|——–|——-| | child | parent | rpath | |——-|——–|——-| | 1 | 0 | 1 | | 2 | 0 | 2 | | 3 | 0 | 1 | | 3 | 0 | 2 | | 3 | 1 | 3 | | 3 | 2 | 3 | | 4 | 0 | 3>1 | | 4 | 0 | 3>2 | | 4 | 1 | 3 | | 4 | 2 | 3 | | 4 | 3 | 4 | | 5 | 0 | 4>3>1 | | 5 | 0 | 4>3>2 | | 5 | 1 | 4>3 | | 5 | 2 | 4>3 | | 5 | 3 | 4 | | 5 | 4 | 5 | |——-|——–|——-|

Multipurpose subdomains

Multipurpose subdomains are generically used to work with composite properties. Currently implemented examples are:

  • Properties with units (if multiple Properties exist)

  • Lists

  • Name overrides


Let’s have a look at this Record (simplified XML):

    <P1 name="Comment">Hello World</P1>
    <P2 name="voltage" unit="V">
    <P3 comment="list of something">
        V1, V2, V3, V4, ...