
TODO Fill the sections below once the parts have been implemented.

Connect to a CaosDB server

See also the hints on the Installation and set-up of CaosDB.jl. CaosDB.jl makes use of the C++ client of CaosDB, so in order to connect to a CaosDB server you first have to configure the connection via a configuration file as explained in the documentation of CaosDB's C++ client. Once the configuration is set up, connecting to the server is as easy as

using CaosDB
connection = CaosDB.Connection.connect()

which will establish a connection and print the version of the server you are connected to (since connect is exported, connection = connect() works as well).

Retrieve a Record

With CaosDB.jl you may use the same logic of creating a transaction object, filling it with sub-requests, executing it, and retrieving the result(s) as it is done in the C++ client (see below). This is handy when wanting to have several requests in the same transaction. However, most of the time, e.g., when retrieving one or multiple Records, this is not necessary. CaosDB.jl provides helper functions so you don't have to worry about transactions and their executions. Assume you want to retrieve an Entity with id=123. This is done via

using CaosDB
entity = retrieve("123")

It is possible to specify the connection either by name or as a connection object as created above in a second argument to retrieve().

You can then use the getter methods like get_name, get_parents, or get_properties to get the name, the parents, or the properties of the retrieved entity.

Retrieving multiple entities works in the same way. Type

results = retrieve(["123", "124", "125"])

to retrieve the entities with ids 123, 124, and 125. They can then be accessed as results[1], results[2], and results[3], respectively. Note that retrieve returns a single entity when called with a single id whereas a vector of entities is returned when called with a list of ids.

The same (and more) can be achieved by building and executing the transaction manually. This is done by

transaction = create_transaction()
add_retrieve_by_id(transaction, "123")
add_retrieve_by_id(transaction, "124")
add_retrieve_by_id(transaction, "125")
results = get_results(transaction)

Again, a connection can be specified by name or object as an optional argument in the call to create_transaction. Optionally, and in the same way as in the C++ client, a result set can be obtained via get_result_set which contains the resulting entities and can, e.g., be checked for length. However, since it is not necessary to interact with the result set and one usually is interested in the recieved entities proper, the result set can be omitted. As above, it is also possible to add multiple id retrievals at once.

transaction = create_transaction()
add_retrieve_by_id(transaction, ["123", "124", "125"])
results = get_results(transaction)

is equivalent to the above Code.

Execute queries

Executing queries works very similar to the retrieval of entities via ids. Again it is possible to create and execute a transaction manually but most cases can be covered by the execute_query helper function.

FIND and SELECT queries

In general, entities can be found using CaosDB's query language like

results = execute_query("FIND RECORD WITH name Like 'some_pattern' AND id>122")

results is a (possibly empty) vector of entities that can be inspected as above. Similar to retrieve, a connection can be specified by name or by a connection object in execute_query. If none is specified, the default connection is used. The same result is achieved by constructing the transaction manually:

transaction = create_transaction()
add_query(transaction, "FIND RECORD WITH name Like 'some_pattern' AND id>122")
results = get_results(transaction)

SELECT queries haven't been implemented in the C++ client yet and thus cannot be executed from CaosDB.jl right now. SELECT queries will be added in a future release.

COUNT queries

COUNT queries are different from FIND or SELECT queries in two ways. Firstly, they do not return entities but a single number which is why, secondly, they do not have a result set that could be returned. This is why they are currently not covered by the execute_query function and have to be executed manually instead. The result of the count is obtained using the get_count_result function:

transaction = create_transaction()
add_query(transaction, "COUNT RECORD person WITH NAME LIKE '*Baggins'")
count_result = get_count_result(transaction)

Insert, update, and delete entities

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