Set-up CaosDB.jl


CaosDB.jl uses CaosDB's C interface which is accessed via ccall. So to us CaosDB.jl, you must first build and install caosdb-cpplib as explained in its documentation. After building the path to the shared library libccaosdb has to be made known to Julia's ccall, e.g., by adding its path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Then, the CaosDB.jl package can be accessed by

julia> ]add "path/to/caosdb-julialib"
julia> using CaosDB
julia> connection = CaosDB.Connection.connect() # Enter host, port, path to SSL certificate, and credentials here


On MacOS, if you encounter errors like

could not load library "libccaosdb"
dlopen(libccaosdb.dylib, 1): Library not loaded: libcaosdb.dylib
  Referenced from ~/.local/lib/libccaosdb.dylib
  Reason: image not found

(note that the library that couldn't be loaded is libcaosdb, i.e., the wrapped cpp library couldn't be loaded from the c interface) make sure you have the location of libcaosdb.dylib and libccaosdb.dylib in both, your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and your DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.


The configuration is done the same way as the C++ client would do it. See caosdb-cpplib.


After installing, the unit tests can be executed by

julia> ]activate "/path/to/caosdb-julialib"
julia> ]test

Note that you must have a CaosDB client configuration (see above) with a valid "default" configuration for all tests to succeed.

Code styling

We use JuliaFormatter.jl for automatic code formatting. Simply install JuliaFormatter by

julia> ]add JuliaFormatter

and execute

julia -e 'using JuliaFormatter; format(".", verbose=true)'

in the root directory of caosdb-julialib. You may leave out the verbose=true option if you do not wish to see which files were formatted.


The documentation can be built locally using Documenter.jl by executing

julia --color=yes docs/make.jl

Afterwards the built html files can be found in docs/build.